Introducing the CO-RE®-II Technology

SERVICE SPECIFICS MICROLAB STAR/MICROLAB VANTAGE Service Software No changes to service software are required to switch from the current CO-RE to CO-RE II tips. CO-RE II stop disks require new service software and a new channel calibration tool (CCT) for use on the Microlab STAR and Microlab VANTAGE. The new service software will be simplified to improve ease of use and execution times. Details regarding the new service software will be announced through the official change process.

MICROLAB NIMBUS Toolbox No changes to the Microlab NIMBUS toolbox or service software are required to switch from the current CO-RE to CO-RE II tips. CO-RE II stop disks require a new Microlab NIMBUS toolbox and new channel calibration tool (CCT) for use on the Microlab NIMBUS. The new MICROLAB NIMBUS toolbox will be compatible with the following hardware combinations:

Current CO-RE Stop Disk

CO-RE II Stop Disk



Existing 4-Probe CCT



New 4-Probe CCT



Universal CCT

Table 5: Compatibility Matrix for MICROLAB NIMBUS toolbox.

Details regarding the new MICROLAB NIMBUS toolbox will be announced through the official change process.


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